This system has been developed for people who are really suffering with their Mental Health. Although its specifically targeted for people who need support, if it is useful to others with milder challenges (but relatively big in their lives) then fantastic.
HOW does it help ?
It focuses on two very easy things to effect, and they are the key brain chemicals, and the pathways for thoughts (ROUTINES) that lead to repeated actions (HABITS).
Whats the PAYOFF?
There is a profound and massive payoff to tweaking these chemicals and routines to your mental health. With the right processes we wont have to rely on something that anyone with mental health challenges finds difficult and that is consistent MOTIVATION. FECK MOTIVATION
FLIP NO! Following a really simple process and being aware each part of the day whether you are on task and if not how to get back on task, this is how DOSE 28 improves your Mental Health (really needs a can improve). Proven by scientific studies on cats (only joking, less smug humans), and proven by me on me and others who are more neuro-divergent than Sheldon . Leave it to Rain man to bet right on your mental health.
A Spreadsheet Improves Mental Health???
How long does this Hogwarts Magic take?
About 30 minutes per day and with a community developing examples sheets (hint) maybe less, and 28 days to show effect.